The War Poetry Website

War poetry books published by Saxon Books are now available again - direct from the publisher
Minds at War - a major anthology of poetry of the First World War. (Illustrated)
Out in the Dark - a collection of First World War poems in context and with basic notes (Illustrated)
Falklands War Poetry
French Poems of the Great War
Cockerels and Vultures poems by a French First World War poet
Remembrance Poems and Readings
Kosovo War Poetry
War Poetry and Remembrance Poetry
Minds at War - major anthology of First World War poetry
Out in the Dark - an anthology of First World War poetry for students
French poems of the First World War
Remembrance poems and Readings
Which Wilfred Owen book of his poetry and which Wilfred Owen biography?
Wilfred Owen books (poems, letters, biographies) Buying links on this page
Poetry of the Falklands War
Poetry of the Kosovo War